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Towards Happiness...a guided tour of the inner conflicts, cloaked emotions, blind spots, and just plain lousy self-management that keep us from getting what we most want. It’s a trip you can’t afford to miss."

Hara Estroff Marano,

Editor at Large, PSYCHOLOGY TODAY 

...Towards Happiness.. shows us that happiness is not just a mood but a labor ‘of grit, resilience and determination’. Dr Friedberg abandons the old cliché of the therapist dispensing his views from on high. Instead, he challenges us to share each other’s dramas and narratives, so that we can discern a way forward towards our own happiness. from getting what we most want. 

- Henry Lothane, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine, Mt. Sinai

Towards Happiness offers a series of true-to-life stories about real people and follows their literal pursuit of happiness…The stories follow the protagonists as they try, make mistakes, brush themselves off, try again…there is a sense of real life, as well as of real drama. But more to the point, anyone can learn from these relatable, immensely human accounts.

- Arnold Richards, MD, Founding Editor, International Psychoanalysis

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